Sunday, 28 April 2013

This or That Beauty TAG!

I've been so busy this week and haven't had time to sit down and plan a proper blog post, so I thought it was the perfect time for a Tag. Now, I haven't actually been tagged to do this, but I'm breaking the rules and doing it anyway.

Part 1- Makeup
  1. Blush or Bronzer? - Blush
  2. Lipgloss or Lipstick? - Lipstick
  3. Eyeliner or Mascara? - Eyeliner
  4. Foundation or Concealer? - Foundation
  5. Neutral or Coloured eyeshadow? - Neutral
  6. Pressed or Loose eyeshadow? - Pressed
  7. Brushes or Sponges? - Brushes

Part 2- Nails
  1. OPI or China Glaze? - OPI
  2. Long or Short? - Inbetween?
  3. Acrylic or Natural? - Natural
  4. Brights or Darks? - Do pastel colours count as brights? If so, Bright.
  5. Flower or No Flower? - No flower

Part 3- Body
  1. Perfume or Body Splash? - Perfume
  2. Lotion or Body Butter? - Both
  3. Body Wash or Soap? - Body Wash
  4. Lush or Other Bath Company? - Lush

Part 4- Fashion
  1. Jeans or Sweatpants? - Jeans
  2. Long Sleeves or Short? - Long? I think
  3. Dresses or Skirts? - Skirts
  4. Stripes or Plaid? - Plaid
  5. FlipFlops or Sandals? - Sandals
  6. Scarves or Hats? - Scarves
  7. Studs or Dangly Earrings? - Studs
  8. Necklaces or Bracelets? - I cant decide... Both
  9. Heels or Flats? - Wedges? Am I allowed to do this?
  10. Cowboy Boots or Riding Boots? - Neither
  11. Jacket or Hoodie? - Hoodie
  12. Forever 21 or Charlotte Russe? - Forever 21
  13. Abercrombie or Hollister? - Neither
  14. Saks 5th or Nordstrom? - I haven't been to either... No comment

Part 5- Hair
  1. Curly or Straight? - On me? Curly definitely
  2. Bun or Ponytail? - Bun
  3. Bobby Pins or Butterfly Clips? - Bobby Pins
  4. Hair Spray or Gel? - Hairspray
  5. Long or Short? - On me personally, Short. But I love love love long hair too!
  6. Side Sweep Fringe of Full Fringe? - Full, but too much work
  7. Up or Down? - Both

Part 6- Random
  1. Rain or Shine? - Shine
  2. Summer or Winter? - Summer
  3. Fall or Spring? - Fall
  4. Chocolate or Vanilla? - Chocolate
  5. East Coast or West Coast? - Whatever Coast Florida is in??? 

So, I think I may have cheated slightly but oh well. 
I'm tagging anyone who fancies doing this Tag. I hope you have as much fun as I did :)

Thankyou for reading,
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Sunday, 21 April 2013

Good Morning! - Skincare regime

I think it's about time I did my skin care regime, so here it is.
I've split it up into two parts, morning and night. This is the morning post:)

*DISCLAIMER* I do use a lot of simple facial products in both the morning and night-time. I am not sponsored and bought all of the products myself and feel they work well for my skin.

My skin-
I have very combination skin so it's hard for me to find things that work well for me.
My T-Zone gets very oily, but down the sides of my nose, I have dry patches of skin. Apart from that, the rest of my skin is normal.
I get a few spots now and again and they mostly appear on my chin and on my neck. They aren't too much of a problem for me though.

Step 1- Wash!

 I wash my face using plain old soap in the morning. I think this is simple soap but I'm not too sure as the engraving has come off now. I'm not too fussy when it comes to soap, they're basically all the same. However, I do like the Pears soap. That's definitely a favourite of mine.
To actually wash my face, I use the Body Shop exfoliator pad. I just lather the soap up on the pad and rub it across my face in circular motions. This really gets rid of any excess product (moisturiser, spot cream) from the night before. I then splash my face with water and pat dry. I don't rub my face with the towel as this would exfoliate my face even more.

Step 2- Tone

To apply my Simple soothing toner, I use Tesco's cotton pads. I use a small amount of toner on the cotton pad and rub it across my face, again in circular motions. This just removes any soap that's stuck to my face and makes sure it's definitely clean. Yay for fresh skin!

Step 3- Moisturise

This is a vital step and should never be skipped! You've been warned...
I use a pea sized amount of the Simple kind to skin hydrated light moisturiser. I really like this as it doesn't make my face oily and really keeps it hydrated throughout the day. I apply this in upwards and outwards motions to help my blood circulate my face. And to help it sink in, I just tap my face lightly with my fingers (In a raindrop motion). 

Step 4- Lips

Do not neglect your lips! I always apply lip balm to keep my lips silky smooth and soft. No one likes chapped lips. This is just a cheapy lip balm from Tesco's but it does the job.

Step 5- EXTRA

 If I'm having a particularly bad skin day, I apply this Avon clear skin spot gel. It doesn't work immediately but does help to reduce redness and sooth the spot throughout the day. I tend to use this around once a month, as like I said, I don't get really bad spots that often.

So this is my everyday skin care routine for the morning. I don't wear any makeup on a day to day basis as I'm only going to school. I think this really helps my skin as I'm  not constantly clogging it up.

Thankyou for reading,
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Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Push On Through!

Revision is getting me down. Not only do I come home from school to do another 6 or so hours of work, I'm not getting time to talk to my friends, spend time with my family or make regular blog posts.
When I think about the results day, and I open the envelop to my results, I want tears of happiness because all my hard work paid off.
That's what's making me push on through. No matter how much I want to stop, I must carry on.
Anyway, I have so much to look forward to after my exams!
It's my birthday, my sisters graduation, I'm going to Poland, I have my prom and my cousins getting married. All these things out-weigh a few weeks of solid work. 
The sooner done the better, and I know my work will pay off.

If any one else is revising, and getting bored of doing so, just think of all the things you have to look forward to. You'll enjoy your summer so much more if you know you've done well, you wont be thinking of revising or even thinking about work at all. 

Push on through!

Sunday, 14 April 2013

What's in my bag?

I'm in a very very very good mood today and I feel like its got something to do with my positivity. Basically, after my last post, I stopped being negative about things, especially school work. Its really helped me when I'm revising as I'm not sad about it, things are going a lot quicker and I'm taking things in better. YAY for positivity!

Anyway, I went on a small shopping trip yesterday to buy a new dancing outfit. I threw all my essentials in my bag and ran out the door.

So, this is my bag. It's from River Island and I received it as a Christmas present. I think it's such a classic design and the colours are beautiful! The coral orange is really unexpected but adds a lot of interest and fun to the bag. It's also great that the bag splits itself into two as that means I can split up my things into categories  My OCD is happy about this.

Section 1-

This is definitely my fullest pocket. Here I keep my "others?" such as food, makeup and phone.

I ALWAYS keep some sweets and a bottle of water with me! It's very important to stay hydrated and also, I have a problem with getting quite light headed if I've been walking around for a long time, so sweets and water are definitely a must to give me energy.
I will always have hand cream and lip balm in my bag. My lips are very dry and it goes through me if I have dry hands, so they must always be moisturised. I also carry around the perfume and lip colour I am wearing that day, just for a bit of sprucing up later. I don't always bring powder. I only put it in if my face feels oilier than normal. I find my self putting this in my bag less and less as my Urban decay De Slick Setting Spray has been keeping the oil at bay. Finally for this section, I have my phone. My I-Pod occasionally makes an appearance, depending on how, who with and how long I'm travelling. I have a Galaxy Samsung S2 and the case was another Christmas present. I believe it's from amazon.

Section 2-

This pocket is very empty-ish really. 

Here I keep my purse and a shopping bag, as in Wales, we have to pay for bags. BOO
My purse is a Ralph Lauren Polo Purse and I received it for my birthday. I really love it and am never with out it. It holds a lot of cards and has spaces for notes, coins and recites.
Also, if I've bought any items that are small enough to fit in this pocket (makeup, jewellery etc), they will go in.

So that's what's in my bag. 

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Friday, 12 April 2013

Friday Feelings!- Positivity

Just to let you know, I'm writing this post while curling my hair. I'm the multi-tasking queen!

I'm currently studying for my gcse's as you know, and revision has taken over a bit.
I've decided that last year, I panicked way more than was necessary. I was negative about a lot of my work and I think that prevented me from taking every thing in. 
I would like to think about myself as a positive person, but sometimes, like everyone, I do have negative thoughts.

This year, I've told myself that even if I have a negative thought about revision or school life, I won't say it out loud. Negativity definitely doesn't help, it just builds up a reluctance to even think about things. 
I've been doing this recently and definitely think its helped the way I'm revising. I'm taking things in a lot easier, I'm remembering things and getting revision done quicker.

Positivity has definitely helped my work and I'm thinking about other ways in which it can benefit me. I'm opening my mind to whole different things, just by being positive about them.

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Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Hair Care Routine

Lets start of by apologising for my lack of posts this weekend.
I spent the majority of Saturday and Sunday revising and preparing to go back to school on Monday. Boo :(

That also leads me nicely on to my next point. There may be fewer, less frequent posts throughout the next one or two months and I'm revising for my GCSE's. They start next month and I suddenly feel like I'm growing up too fast. I don't feel old enough to be doing such important things.

*Disclaimer* I'm not saying you should go out and buy these products. They are just things I have found that work for my hair (Very curly and slightly dry) through trail and improvement.

Anyway, lets begin with the hair care routine.

I wash my hair every 3-4 days. That may seem like a long time to you, but my hair is quite dry and doesn't produce oil that quickly. Of course, I shower in between days. Shower caps are extremely handy.

Step 1- The Shower

So, I'm in the shower. First thing I reach for is my "Alberto Balsam Tea Tree Tingle Herbal Shampoo". I use a small amount, plop it on my head (For lack of a better description) and lather it up. I really like this shampoo because I feel it cleans my hair nicely. It doesn't leave it feeling dry and as if there's still product in my hair.
Next, I use the "Alberto Balsam Tea Tree Tingle Herbal Conditioner". Now, I'm normally not too bothered about using the same brand on my hair, but I find these two products do work really well together. I only apply conditioner to the mid-lengths and ends of my hair as if I apply it towards my roots, my hair goes rather greasy. It really conditions my hair nicely and leaves it feeling lovely and soft. While this is sitting in my hair, I run through with a wide toothed comb. This one is a cheep one from Avon, but it does the job. The conditioner really makes my hair slippery and smooth, meaning it's really easy to run the comb through. 
Also, the shampoo and conditioner are super cheap. I found them in B&M's, a pack of two for £1. Bargain!
As I've just dyed my hair, I have to apply this "Step 3 Colour Conditioner" from Clairol. I usually leave this treatment for the weekends as because you have to apply it all over your hair, and its very nourishing, it makes my hair a little greasy, maybe it just makes my hair too shiny and slick for my liking. This one is specifically for dyed brown hair, but you can buy it separately too.   
Once I've stepped out of the shower, I wrap my hair up in a towel and leave it for about 10-15 minutes.

Step 2- Treatment

 After 10-15 minutes has passed, I take my hair out of the towel. By this point, it hasn't dried, but excess water has been absorbed. I think that this just makes my hair easier to work with.
I allow my hair to dry naturally for a further 10 minutes or so, until it is around 20% dry. By the way, my hair takes roughly 3-4 hours to dry on it's own, a long time I know.
I'm not really into using hair dryers, I tend to get the same shape, style and effect as I do if I let my hair dry naturally. It does speed up the process, but as I wash my hair at night, I'm not in a rush. 
If I'm planning on using heat, such as straighteners/curlers, on my hair, I reach for my "Avon 360 Nourishing Argan Oil". I prefer using this when I'm going to use heat because I feel it protects my hair and gives me better care. I use one pump, rub it between my hands and run it through the ends of my hair. It adds lovely shine and protects my hair too.
If I'm going to wear my hair naturally, I use the "Pantene Pro V NatureFusion Leave In Conditioner". This is lighter than the argan oil so doesn't pull down at my natural curl. It also leaves the hair feeling soft and shiny.
I apply this the same way, using 1 or 2 pumps.
After applying either product, I run through my hair with the comb, just to eliminate any more knots.

Step 3- Style

When my hairs roughly 90% dry and just a little damp, mainly at the roots, I spray in the "Umberto Giannini Big Blow Dry Spray". I know this is for blow drying your hair, but I think it's really effective on its own. Basically, I spray this into my damp roots and it acts as a sort of hair spray root lifter. It really does give me a lot of volume. YAY!
I either straighten my hair or curl it, sometimes neither.
To straighten, I use my GHD straighteners. These have a ceramic plate which adds shine to your hair as your straighten. I split my hair into sections and go over each piece and viola, straight hair.
To curl my hair, I use the Babyliss conical wand. I take small pieces of my hair and curl them individual to give a really natural soft look. This is also ceramic plated, so I get more shine.

Step 4- Finishing touches

To set my curls or to keep my hair straight, I spray the "Umberto Giannini Volume Hairspray For Big Hair". It seriously holds curls! If I use this, my curls are guaranteed to last at least 3 days! 
I also apply the "Avon Shine Serum" to the mid lengths and ends of my hair to boost shine. Can't get enough of that shine!
On days that I want a bit more texture, I spray in some "Batiste Dry Shampoo" in my favourite tropical scent. This adds to volume and texture nicely, at the same time, it absorbs any oils to prolong your hair washing. Bonus! I also use "Shockwaves Texture Gum" to add texture and hold to my hair. I love this product, especially when my hairs straight as it adds a little extra oomph.
Finally, a step that I do more often than not, is back combing my roots slightly. I use the "Umberto Giannini Back comb Brush" and just tease the roots slightly. Make sure you don't pull too hard or it'll ruin your hair. I think back combing and then smoothing hair over really finishes off any look. 

So there you have it. My full hair care routine, step by step using all the products I love.

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Friday, 5 April 2013

Friday Feelings!- Don't Take Life For granted

*WARNING* This may be an emotional post as it's something I feel very passionate about.
It's also very personal to me and I hope it inspires you to be grateful for what you have.

I'm a firm believer in being thankful for everything and everyone I've been blessed with in my life. And even though I'm only 15, there have been many situations in which I've almost lost someone important, and in some cases, lost loved ones. Whenever this happens, it reinforces the fact that you should never take life for granted.

Here are a few of my experiences;

My nan is an extremely strong woman and I respect and look up to her so much. She has had and overcome cancer. This was the first time I'd ever thought about how valuable life is. I'm extremely thankful that she's still here.

My Grandad died when I was in year 6. He was, and still is my hero, my number 1 man. I never took for granted the time I spent with him, because every moment was special. This was the first time I'd actually lost someone. It made realise how quickly life could be taken away.

A few years ago, my mother was walking my dog when she got hit by a car. Since then, she's had many operations and alterations on her ankle, which was crushed in the crash. I wake up everyday and thank God that I still have my mother. Even though she still struggles with certain things, she's still here and that's all that matters.

Just before Christmas, a close family friend suddenly died. He had an amazing life and travelled to so many different places. Because of this, I only saw him once every two or three years, if I was lucky. I never realised how much he meant to me until he'd gone, and I regret the times I didn't tell him how much he meant to me or thank him for just being there.

And most recently;
On Wednesday night, my mam and I were driving home from a dance lesson. Around the corner, we saw cars, thinking there was traffic. As we got closer, we saw an overturned car, with some people outside and some people still trapped inside. Even though I wasn't involved with the accident or the people present, it still  reinforced the fact that life could be taken away at any time, to you, or to a loved one. 

I make the effort to tell my family and friends how much I appreciate them every, because I don't want to grow up regretting the fact that I didn't. 
It's important not to take your own life for granted, but not to take others lives for granted also. 
Appreciated the people who brought you up, make your day better, make you smile.
Make an effort to tell your parents you love them.
Thank your best friends for making you laugh.

That's your challenge...

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Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Avon Smooth Minerals *Review*

My first review a-woo-hoo!

I've had this mineral foundation in my collection for a while. I actually bought it accidentally, thinking it was a loose setting powder.

So my first experience with this product wasn't very good, as I thought it was a loose setting powder, I layered it over my liquid foundation and the results, I was ORANGE. This may be down to the fact that the powder is very orange, even for the lightest shade. Because of this, I put the powder back down and left it, forgot about it even.

A rather heavy swatch. As you can see, It's extremely orange compared to my pale skin.

Long story short, I stayed well away from the powder.
That is until the I had a change of heart. Every product deserves a second chance.

I picked up the powder and my Real Techniques Buffing Brush and tested the product out again. I was extremely careful when it came to loading the brush up with product as I didn't want the oompa loompa look again. 
The more I began to buff the foundation into my skin, the more I fell in love. The powder becomes part of your skin and gives you an amazing natural finish. The powder has quite noticeable glitter running through, however, once on the skin, it blends in to give you a gorgeous glow. 
As I said, you do have to be quite careful when buffing it into your skin as wherever you place the product first, it can leave an orange circle. But don't let that put you off, you just need a soft hand.
You don't get a lot of coverage from the powder, but it really evens out your skin tone. Also, if you use very little product at a time, you can layer it without the orange colour coming through.

As you can see, it's barely noticeable when blended in.

I do find that the foundation is long wearing and it doesn't make my skin oily or greasy by the end of the day. 

So, if you want a natural, long wearing foundation; head over to the Avon website and order this bad boy! Just beware of the orangeness (I don't think that's a real word but oh well) 

As I said, I think I'm in love. I'm sure I'll get a lot of wear out of this foundation in the summer, exciting ahhhh! 

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